The main purpose of hogging heads is to hog up the fall off of your product for reuse back into the product, resale or disposal. Hoggers can be equipped with a sawblade to finish trim the board. Carbide tipped Groovers can be used as hoggers. Our preferred design are aluminum bodies with carbide tipped segments. We service all brand names. We sell R&S Cutterhead brand. Common uses are panel sizing (OSB, Particle Board, MDF HDF), gang rip saws and double-end tenon machines.
We feel that by focusing on sharpening, repair first we can better serve our customers, providing longer tool life and longer run times.
We’ve re-tipped and sharpened all sorts of cutting tools, including hoggers, cutter head bits, and tongue and groove sets. We realize that with so many of these cutting jobs, it is not simply a one and done operation, rather an ongoing process.